Science News


Modified Theories of Gravity may Soon Replace Dark Matter

Geometrical Understanding of Entropy

Fractal Behavior Found in High Energy Collisions and Bose Einstein ...

Gravity Wave Signals are being Analyzed to Detect Gravitational Memory Effect general relativity gravitational wave memory gravitational waves ligo non-linear relativity effect quantum gravity spacememory unified physics william brown Oct 16, 2023

An Ongoing Meta-analysis of Gravitational Wave Signals may soon Prove that Space Remembers: permanent memory imprints in spacetime may soon be detected, which will be a validation of Nassim...

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Galactic Filaments Trace out Spacememory Network Around Sagittarius A* black hole dynamics galactic center galactic filaments galactic nucleus spacememory supermassive black hole unified spacememory network william brown Oct 09, 2023

Galactic Filaments Trace out Spacememory Network Around Sagittarius A*

By: William Brown, scientist at the International Space Federation

Recent observations of thermal molecular...

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CODATA Proton Charge Radius; The History Of This Fundamental Measurement inés urdaneta muon origin of mass proton proton charge radius quantum physics Oct 01, 2023

Haramein’s generalized holographic solution precisely predicted the mass and radius of the proton in 2012 [2, 3], resulting in a radius 4% smaller than the Standard Model's calculations and...

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An Eventful Horizon amps firewall black hole black hole islands cool horizons erb = epr hawking radiation information loss paradox quantum gravity william brown wormhole Sep 26, 2023

Scientists utilize elements of the Haramein Quantum Gravity Holographic Solution to solve the Black Hole Information Loss Paradox

By: William Brown, scientist at the International Space...
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El Gordo: The Galaxy Cluster that Defies Standard Cosmology cosmology el gordo galaxy cluster jwst lambda-cold dark matter model Sep 25, 2023

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, RELICS

By Amal Pushp, Affiliate Physicist at the International Space Federation

A galaxy cluster is a gravitationally bound system consisting of hundreds or...

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Gravity Control via Wave Resonance electromagnetic wave em wave resonance gertsenshtein effect gravity control gw astronomy gz effect high frequency gravitational wave warp-drive william brown Sep 12, 2023

Here we examine, as a proof-of-concept, the potential of modulating the gravitational metric via electromagnetic wave resonance by analyzing potential natural occurrences: graviton-to-photon...

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Experiment Generates Electron-Positron Plasma from the Vacuum electron-hole plasma graphene quantum vacuum schwinger effect schwinger limit superconductor vacuum polarization william brown zero-point energy Sep 11, 2023
Black Hole Physics of Matter Creation Have Been Mimicked in a Table-top experiment with Graphene Superlattices: Experiment Verifies Long-standing Prediction of Using the Electric Field to...
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The Zitterbewegung or “Trembling-Along-The-Way” Electron dirac equation electron inés urdaneta quantum mechanics quantum physics relativity zwitterbewegung Sep 01, 2023

By Dr. Inés Urdaneta, Physicist at the International Space Federation

The German word zitterbewegung -zitter- means “trembling along the way” and it was coined for the...

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In Search of the Fifth Fundamental Interaction amal pushp g-factor muon particle physics quantum foam quantum vacuum standard model Aug 25, 2023

Image Credit: ISTOCK

By Amal Pushp, Affiliate Physicist at the International Space Federation

Majority of the phenomena occurring in nature could be explained based on just four fundamental...

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What Biophysics Underlies the Demarcation of Abiotic Matter from Living Matter? biophysics living system origin-of-life william brown Aug 10, 2023
The International Space Federation has a new biophysics research paper in preprint. In this preliminary publication a key characteristic that distinguishes the living system from abiotic...
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About the UAP Hearing III: Latest Developments (2023) advanced propulsion inés urdaneta nasa uap Aug 10, 2023

The House Committee had more than 100,000 people watching live the hearing, and comments permeated all social media and news around the world, with very different opinions on the matter, ranging...

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