For more than a decade the astrophysical community has been gathering observational evidence that seem to contradict the concept of dark matter in favor of new theories of gravity. In this article...
Recent observations of the JWST challenge the Big Bang origin of our universe, in support of Haramein's Holographic framework where the Universe was created by a black hole embedded in a larger...
By Dr. Inés Urdaneta, Physicist at The International Space Federation
Understanding the microscopic structure of black holes has been a challenge for physicists. The recent work from Gia...
by Dr. Amira Val Baker, Astrophysicist
Scientists are finally getting closer to figuring out the puzzle of the structure of neutron stars and revealing the nature of their ultra-dense interiors.
“…there is currently no explanation why the axes of quasars are aligned with the axis of the large...
by Dr.
A deeper look into one of the most intriguing objects has just been revealed.
Black holes are typically observed by the light given off by the surrounding...
By William Brown, Research Scientist at the International Space Federation
When looking back into the deep past of the Universe, which means looking out over vast cosmological distances of space,...
Image: The cosmic microwave background as seen by the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite. Credit: ESA and the Planck Collaboration
By Dr. Inés Urdaneta, Physicist at the...
By Nassim Haramein and William Brown, Research Scientist at International Space Federation
The popular titles stating that Hawking says, “there are no black holes” are incorrect.