About the UAP Hearing III: Latest Developments (2023)
Aug 10, 2023
The House Committee had more than 100,000 people watching live the hearing, and comments permeated all social media and news around the world, with very different opinions on the matter, ranging from "total disclosure has begun" to "these testimonies don't provide anything new about the topic".
By Dr. Inés Urdaneta, Physicist at the International Space Federation
In the precedent part of this series about the UAP hearings we had addressed remarkable testimonies on the UAP phenomena coming from pilot, military, and civilian cases, and we mentioned the efforts that were being undertaken by Harvard Professor and head of the Galileo Project, Dr. Avi Loeb, and by the panel of 16 experts in diverse fields appointed by NASA to analyze unclassified data.
NASA committee first public meeting
In May 2023 the NASA committee examining the UAP phenomena provided their first public meeting concerning the tens of thousands of data found in data.nasa.gov site, from atmospheric phenomena up to non-identified phenomena. Nasa collects data in the open because it is a civilian agency, presumably with no conflict of interests.
The NASA-convened panel, whose members are drawn from a wide range of professional disciplines, conducted its inquiry independently from the Pentagon effort, such that the members had no access to classified information, like sensor data captured by the military or intelligence agencies.
From the 650 cases to 800 cases already analyzed, the panel found that only a small number of events (less than single digit, 2 to 5 percent) were considered anomalous, meaning by this, anything that is not readily understandable by the operator or the sensor.
The NASA-convened panel, whose members are drawn from a wide range of professional disciplines.
Deliberations from the panel concluded that the data is not very well calibrated., and for that reason David Spergel, chair of the panel, emphasized that their role would be not to resolve the nature of the events, but to provide a roadmap to what must be done to address the topic.
They also remarked that most of the information was classified not because of what is being recorded, but because it has been recorded with equipment that wants to be kept classified, to not reveal their technical capabilities.
Well calibrated instruments and high-quality data, was the final request from the committee. Regarding the instruments, Dr. Sean Kirk Patrick remarked that we need purpose-built sensors (AARO) as well.
It was also concluded that NASA should lead the scientific discourse and coordinate partnerships with other agencies and organizations.
These deliberations are now being deeply questioned because of the recent developments of the UAP hearing that happened just a few months later …
The hearings on UAPs held in Congress by the House Committee on July 26
The historic hearings on UAPs held in Congress by the House Committee a week ago, where three witnesses share their real-life stories about encountering what was formerly known as UFOs and informing that some factions within the Government have prevented this information to see the light of day, depicted a completely different scenario with respect to the NASA panel deliberations from May.
The witnesses are former Navy Commander David Fravor, former plane operator Ryan Graves, and former Intelligence Official/turned Whistleblower David Grusch.
Ryan Graves, Americans for Safe Aerospace Executive Director, from left, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) Maj. David Grusch, and U.S. Navy (Ret.) Cmdr. David Fravor, testify before a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee hearing on UFOs, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, on Capitol Hill in Washington. AP Photo/Nathan Howard.
Executive Director of Americans for Safe Aerospace, Ryan Graves, testified that nine years ago, his F/A-18's squadron, operating off the coast of Virginia Beach, observed and tracked UAP that had infiltrated military airspace. As Graves reported for Newsweek, the UAP had no visible propulsion or lifting surfaces but could remain motionless in Category-4 hurricane winds and accelerate to supersonic, operating all day and outlasting the squadron jets by 10 hours or more, even causing near mid-air collisions with the jets, what triggered mandatory safety reports. Watch this interview for a detail description of his experience.
Graves claimed that today, these same UAP are still being seen, and that we still don't know what they are. He adds that the USA government has no idea of the scope of the problem because pilots (commercial and military) are encountering UAP but most of these cases are going unreported.
He also shared with Congress how more than 30 UAP witnesses, commercial pilots, and veterans, have reached out to Americans for Safe Aerospace to detail their encounters, and dozens have contacted his organization since he testified at the UAP hearings.
U.S. Air Force (Ret.) Maj. David Grusch said under oath at the hearing of the House Oversight Committee's Subcommittee on National Security that the US government is in possession of UFOs and non-human bodies. He also said that the US government has probably been aware of the non-human activity since the 1930s, and this statement coincides with most of the testimonies addressed in the former article of our series on UAP phenomena.
When Representative Nancy Mace's questioned him about the US government recovering bodies from alien spacecraft, Grush replied: "As I've stated publicly already in my News Nation interview, biologics came with some of these recoveries... Non-human and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program I talked to that are currently still on the program,"
As strange as it may sound (because if he didn't have the clearance for it, he wouldn't be standing there in the first place) Grush was asked about his credibility and reasons for the committee to take his claims seriously. To what Grusch replied:
“Well, we provided the proof internally to the inspector general and went into all the details,” he said. “I mean, I have the credentials. I was an intelligence officer on the UAP Task Force.”
The final testimony came from U.S. Navy (Ret.) Cmdr. David Fravor, who gave a detailed description of his encounter with a UAP in the coast of San Diego, in a perfect clear day.
Regarding these latest developments during the hearing, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said:
“I decided as the head of NASA, since there are so many suspicions about aliens, that I would appoint a committee of very distinguished scientists,” said Nelson at the Casa Rosada on Thursday, underscoring “the twinkle in my eye” when he heard the question. “That committee is deliberating, and they will make their report publicly next month. Now I can tell you in the meantime, until you hear the report, and they will consider using our scientific sensors in space in trying to determine this phenomenon. So wait until next month and you will have an answer.”
Professor Avi Loeb, head of the Galileo project, comments:
“The fundamental question is whether the disclosure of UAP information from the government will happen before or after the Galileo Project finds independent evidence for UAP materials. In particular, is it easier to learn what lies in interstellar space from scooping a 2-kilometer depth in the Pacific Ocean than from politicians in Washington DC?”
Unified Science: in perspective-
The House Committee had more than 100,000 people watching the live video, and comments permeated all over the social medias and news platforms around the world, with very different opinions on the matter, ranging from "total disclosure has begun" to "these testimonies don't provide anything new about the topic". A wide spectrum of political positions and narratives can be found.
These are very interesting and revealing times to witness. What is mostly remarkable, is that the topic of the UAP phenomenon is finally being addressed with the intellectual maturity, attention and rigor that such a critical topic for the understanding of life in the universe deserves.